The Pen Factor: All You Need To Know.

As a writer, if I said to you that there was a place you could go where there are supportive people that will read your writing, give you helpful and constructive criticism, would do it all for free AND they too are looking for feedback; just like you. What would you say to that? I’d say your reply would be something along the lines of, “Emma! Don’t lie to me… There isn’t such a place.” Then I would say, “Would I ever lie to you?!” … I’d tell you the website to go to and you would see, that I would never lie to you. The Pen Factor is a place that all writers need to visit, do so by clicking here. You may want to know exactly what The Pen Factor is before visiting the site. So please, read below for everything you need to know.

What is The Pen Factor?
I spoke with the Founder of The Pen Factor who told me exactly what it is: “The Pen Factor is a peer feedback service where favourite stories are guaranteed a place in the spotlight by the community. Above all, it’s a caring online writing community where individuals can safely express themselves, receive quality feedback and thus grow.” 

Who is Clarissa Horwood?

Pictured above is Clarissa Horwood, she is the Founder of The Pen Factor and a lovely person; she has proven that by creating a space for writers to feel welcome and supported – free of charge! The Pen Factor was previously a competition, with a yearly winner, but now going in a different direction, Clarissa says: “My goal is to foster an encouraging community where individuals can refine their craft through structured feedback.” She states that: “The website is now more focused on giving support and love to every member.” As well as creating The Pen Factor, Clarissa has also written a novel, so she truly understands what it is to be a writer. She is also a senior writer and columnist for Tasmania 40 Degrees South magazine. You can read more about Clarissa and learn about what influenced the creation of The Pen Factor, here. With a team of dedicated professionals such as an Investor, Head of Marketing and PR, Web Designer/Developer, Designer and Consulting Editor – combined, they make The Pen Factor a truly unique place for writers everywhere.

So, how does it work?
1. You submit your piece of writing.
2. You read three submissions and provide kind, honest, constructive and helpful feedback.
3. Three other writers who have submitted, read your writing and leave a review which will also be kind, honest, constructive and helpful.
4. Once you have completed your reviews, you will receive your feedback.

How many reviews?
At the time this post was published, The Pen Factor has helped writers by delivering 1,551 reviews!

A truly supportive community, filled with writers just like you.
A supportive environment is so important when you are sharing a piece of writing that is dear to you. Think about it, you pour your heart into what you write, and then you have to give it over to strangers to read. This could seem daunting, but once you visit The Pen Factor’s website and see a message that reads ‘The Pen Factor can only survive on your kindness, consideration and professionalism’ you may feel less concerned about handing over your work of art. It may also help reading more in the ‘Our Culture’ section, where they talk about respect, that mutual respect is the key, that it is of paramount importance that writers respect this culture and the community. The Pen Factor also makes it clear how they want to support your passion for the written word. These things give you a real feel for the kind of community you will hopefully soon be involved in.

It is fast!
The other key here is the feedback is fast. You’ve submitted your work, and now you just need to know – What do they think? Is it any good? Is it even scary? Is it actually funny? Is it a mystery, or really obvious? … but by the time you have thoroughly overthought it (guilty!) and read and reviewed three other pieces of writing, you will receive your feedback. It will be: honest in a helpful, respectful, kind and supportive way.

Is The Pen Factor right for me?
Do you write? Do you love to read as well? Then The Pen Factor is right for you. When you are chosen to read other people’s writing, being a writer yourself, you’ll understand what it feels like to pass your baby onto someone else. You will be thoughtful, helpful, kind, and give praise where it is due; because I bet, that’s exactly how you would like to be treated yourself. Do you like supporting your fellow writers? Do I need to even ask that question? Of course you love supporting your fellow writers! It is a give and take kind of community and that’s the way we all need to be, especially in these times!

Ophelia, what is this?
Ophelia is a state-of-the-art feedback engine. What does this mean? Basically, Ophelia is able to read the reviews submitted by the community and then conclude which are your favourite stories. Those favourite will then be guaranteed a place in the spotlight on the website. Pretty cool, huh? 

Genres. Am I limited to only a couple of genres?
No and no. There is everything from crime/suspense/mystery/thriller to historical fiction to new adult fiction. The Pen Factor welcomes many different types of fabulous genres.

A look at the stories.
You can click here to browse The Pen Factor stories. You can easily filter by genre. You can also sort by highest writer score, and newest submissions. From there, you can choose to read other writers submissions, and the three reviews they’ve been given. This will give you an idea of the kind of reviews you will receive, and will give. The reviews are focused on different things, such as: plot and pace, point of view, atmosphere and description and more. Take a look and enjoy reading some great pieces of writing. You can even click a button that will take you to that same authors other submissions if they have submitted more than once.

Do you have questions?
Now you know what the Pen Factor is, I’d say you have some questions. Like:

How do I sign up?
Is it easy to submit my writing?
Am I handing over copyright to my story?
Is there a word limit?
Do I look each day for new submissions to review or will I be notified?

Have all your questions answered by visiting The Pen Factor’s FAQ section here.

What others are saying.
Take a look at what others are saying here about The Pen Factor. Different kind of authors from all over the globe have nothing but great things to say.

It’s time!
Take the plunge! Go ahead and sign up to The Pen Factor. I already have! Enjoy submitting your writing and reading submissions from authors who are just like you. Whether you are just beginning, or are very experienced, where ever you fit on the scale, please give it a go! I am going to give it a go myself. And remember, most of all: be nice, respectful of others, and keep The Pen Factor as its best known: a welcoming, warm and supportive community for all writers.

Don’t forget to follow The Pen Factor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter . I do!

Emma xx