Audiobook Review: An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Seeking women ages 18–32 to participate in a study on ethics and morality. Generous compensation. Anonymity guaranteed.

What makes a great… no… amazing book? In this case, an audiobook as well.

Is it the the fact that I could hear the very precise and well spoken voice of Dr. Shields even after I finished the book? I’m certain that voice will forever stay with me.

Is it when you gasp and drop your jaw to the floor in shock, more than once? It has its fair share of shocks, twists and turns.

Is it when you think you know what’s going on but moments later, you are back to square one? It’s nowhere near predictable.

Is it when you listen to the audiobook every spare moment you have because you need to know how it all plays out? Couldn’t stop listening…

This and many other reasons is why I’ve rated this five stars! This book is worth every single star and you need to read it or grab the audiobook right now. I’m certain reading the book will be just as fabulous as listening to the audiobook but I must say, having Barrie Kreinik and Julia Whelan narrating perfectly, it’s hard not to get lost in it listening to them. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have absolutely created a psychological masterpiece with An Anonymous Girl. Be sure to follow them both on Goodreads: here for Greer and here for Sarah. Haven’t already purchased the audiobook or kindle/print versions? Purchase audiobook here and kindle/print here.

The story is as follows… (no spoilers here. I’ve been very careful!)

Jessica, a makeup artist, finds herself with two clients and decides to take a risk. After hearing that her client won’t be able to make the study she signed up for, Jessica quietly takes the girls place. She then finds herself a part of said study. There’s compensation and she will remain anonymous. Sounds like a great deal, right? It’s because of this study she meets the psychologist behind it: Dr. Shields. When it seems answering some questions is all she would be involved in, she jumped at the chance. She needs the money, and Dr. Shields has plenty of it.

It’s not long after delicate questions get asked, she’s not sure how to answer, or that she even wants to answer some of them. But still, Jessica finds herself telling Dr. Shields her secrets, some she’s never told another soul. After some time, she finds herself a part of something bigger than she originally thought, willing to do almost anything that Dr. Shields asks.

The more you read or listen to this book, the more paranoid you’ll get, right along with Jessica. You’ll be questioning everything.

This book begs us to ask ourselves a question: how much can you truly trust someone?

Hold on tight while reading or listening to An Anonymous Girl, it’ll be the ride of your life… keeping you guessing until the very end. But don’t worry, it’ll be worth it.

Emma xx

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