Some Of The Most Commonly Confused Words.

If you constantly find yourself getting confused with the following words, you aren’t alone!

Welcome, Word Lovers! I have compiled a list of the most commonly confused words along with their meanings – you’ll also find the correct way to use them in a sentence. Next time you find yourself feeling stuck – come on over to this post for a refresher! Let’s get started!

These ones are commonly mixed up, but don’t let them fool you any longer…


Is your spelling effecting you? Or is it affecting others? Don’t be confused any longer! Look below…


I knew, that you knew, that this blog post was new. What?! Look below.


Just breathe through it!


He was definitely acting defiantly!


I had to add a few things to my ‘looking for great spellers’ ad!


I want a piece of cake, but I am going to keep the peace and not take any – I don’t want war!


I was being quite quiet while trying to quit cigarettes, so I could concentrate on not smoking!


I would love your presence more so than any presents, as spending time with my friends is enough for me.


I have no patience for anyone not being less than lovely to my patients.


I brought this to you from the store that I bought it from, you’re welcome!


I don’t know whether the weather will be good or not, but let’s hope it doesn’t rain!


I am much better at maths than I was once, then again I am still not very good at it!


Whose cake is this? And who’s going to eat it?


That’s it for today! Stay tuned for my next post: Capitalisation!

Until next time,

Emma xx